
401K Management

Most workers know that when they start a job with benefits, they should enroll in their employer’s 401K plan.

Since pension plans are rarely offered to new workers these days, the 401K has become the most important asset when saving for retirement.

Yet it seems every employer offers a different type of plan; so it can be intimidating what to choose when signing up. The hardest parts are: knowing how much of your pay to contribute, which investments to choose within the plan, and how it impacts your taxes.

This is where we can help!

Once you’re enrolled in a 401K plan, we can help to comprehend the variety of available options. Many employer plans even have an option where a Registered Investment Advisor can manage your 401K savings directly.

This helps take the guesswork and confusion out of the equation for you.

Some of the local employers who have this option in their plan are: Caterpillar, Maui Jim, Komatsu, OSF, UnityPoint, RLI, and more.

At Trifecta Financial, we offer a variety of consulting when dealing with 401k management. It is our job to help guide our clients in fully understanding their plan and how to maximize this benefit towards their personal future goals.